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Cross-border services connected with immovable property

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The Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE) has published an opinion statement setting out its proposals for the European Commission on the VAT treatment of cross-border services connected with immovable property. Under the current rules, there is no EU legal instrument that enables a tax authority to automatically obtain information about services connected with immovable property performed abroad or by a supplier established in another member state. The CFE states that this is a source of major trade deflection within the internal market.

The CFE recommends that the European Commission should submit a proposal to the European Council allowing national tax authorities to automatically trace services connected with immovable work that are performed by operators established in another EU member state.

The CFE also observes that the EU rules do not prevent member states from imposing obligations or introducing national financial incentives to encourage consumers to make payment of bills through the banking system, as a way of helping to ensure that their suppliers are correctly accounting for VAT.


Issue: 1298
Categories: News
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