Market leading insight for tax experts
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About us

Tax Journal provides market leading insight for the UK tax profession. The journal prides itself on the calibre of its authors and the usefulness of its information.

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Tax Journal is intended to provide a general guide and cannot be a substitute for professional advice. Neither the authors nor the publisher accept responsibility for loss occasioned by to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material contained in this publication.

Tax Journal is a Tolley product, published by LexisNexis. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

Writing for us

We welcome offers of articles written by senior tax experts which provide practical and technical guidance on the impact of new tax developments. Our main focus is on tax issues affecting larger businesses or high net worth individuals. Our coverage is predominantly on UK tax issues or international tax issues which impact UK operations/taxpayers. Articles of a more general business nature, or where the main focus of the article is on the need to see a tax adviser, are unlikely to be suitable for Tax Journal.

Articles should comprise original material and be written in accordance with our author guidelines. We reserve the right to refuse publication of articles which, in the opinion of the editor, are unsuitable for the journal. 

Like many publications, we insist on first publication. We ask that you or your firm have not recently written on the same topic for another publication. We do not pay fees or charge for publication. 

We kindly ask that the names of authors are agreed in advance. Authors should be at a senior level - ideally at partner / director / senior associate / senior manager / manager level - and the commentary should reflect their years of experience in taxation. We ask that articles by associates (or equivalent) are co-authored by those at senior associate level or above. We no longer publish articles by trainees or students.

Should you wish to write for us, please email, setting out a short synopsis of the proposal. Unsolicited articles are rarely published. 

Policy on advertising and 'advertorial'

We are delighted to accept paid advertising within the journal, subject to approval from the editor. All advertising within the journal must be clearly distinguished in its design from the editorial content. Advertising can take the form of commentary, but this must be headed with an ‘Advertisement’ or 'Promotion' label and distinguished in design from the editorial content. 

We provide commercial opportunities for partnering with Tax Journal; for instance, by way of joint surveys. There are also advertising opportunities in Tax Journal supplements, on this website and in our emails to subscribers. For further information, email

Reporting/publicising events

We regret that Tax Journal does not publicise or publish reports of third-party event as part of its editorial coverage. We are of course happy to accept paid advertising: if you wish to publicise events by way of advertising, please email our sales manager  

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