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New mutual agreement procedure statistics

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The OECD has released its latest Mutual agreement procedure (MAP) statistics covering 118 jurisdictions and most MAP cases worldwide. The 2020 MAP statistics and the 2020 MAP awards were presented during OECD Tax certainty day 2021.

MAP statistics play an important role in the monitoring of BEPS action 14 (minimum standard on mutual agreement procedure), providing an objective and global frame of reference, as well as a country-specific view, which together allow measurement of progress but also show where further work is needed. The 2020 MAP statistics show the following trends:

  • MAP remains very concentrated, with 25 jurisdictions accounting for 95% of MAP cases;
  • new cases are up overall, driven by an increase in transfer pricing cases;
  • outcomes remain generally positive with around 75% of cases fully resolving the issue; and
  • cases still take a long time to resolve – averaging 35 months for transfer pricing cases and 18 months for other cases.
Issue: 1556
Categories: News
300 x 250 (MPU)