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Press watch: ‘Sweetheart deal’ row

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‘MPs took the extraordinary step of interviewing HMRC’s top lawyer under oath as a row over an alleged “sweetheart” tax deal offered to Goldman Sachs intensified. Anthony Inglese, the Revenue’s general counsel, was asked to give evidence under oath before a hearing of the Commons Public Accounts Committee after MPs became frustrated over his failure to answer questions about the Goldman case ... 

‘MPs accused Mr Inglese and [Dave Hartnett, Permanent Secretary for Tax] of failing to take proper legal advice on the Goldman settlement before it was agreed, in an at times heated hearing. Both men repeated their position that the Revenue mistakenly believed that there was a “legal impediment” to charging interest on the unpaid bill, and decided against reopening the deal once the error was uncovered.’

Financial Times, 8 November 2011

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