On Budget Day the government published a consultation document on options to raise standards in the tax advice market by strengthening the regulatory framework and improving registration (see bit.ly/TaxAdviceMarket). In his introduction to the consultation the Financial Secretary to the Treasury Nigel Huddleston MP noted that ‘while most tax practitioners who provide tax advice and services are competent and adhere to professional standards ’ there is a minority ‘who are incompetent unprofessional or unscrupulous’. He references recent action to tackle egregious behaviour in the market but makes clear...
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On Budget Day the government published a consultation document on options to raise standards in the tax advice market by strengthening the regulatory framework and improving registration (see bit.ly/TaxAdviceMarket). In his introduction to the consultation the Financial Secretary to the Treasury Nigel Huddleston MP noted that ‘while most tax practitioners who provide tax advice and services are competent and adhere to professional standards ’ there is a minority ‘who are incompetent unprofessional or unscrupulous’. He references recent action to tackle egregious behaviour in the market but makes clear...
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