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Special Services for Two Centuries

John Jeffrey-Cook, Clerk Emeritus of the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers, reviews highlights of the past 200 years

John Jeffrey-Cook Clerk Emeritus of the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers reviews highlights of the past 200 years
200 years ago on 5 June 1805 William Pitt secured the passage of what we now call the Income Tax Act 1805. Pitt had in 1801 resigned over Catholic emancipation and had left his friend and protégé Henry Addington to hold the fort. Addington's Income Tax Act of 1803 (c 122) had reimposed Pitt's 1799 income tax after a one-year respite given by the short-lived Peace of Amiens. Pitt returned to office on 16 May 1804.
Despite having fiercely attacked Addington's brilliant innovations in 1803 notably the schedular system...

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