The Biden administration has released the Green Book with a package of tax proposals for its FY 2023 Budget. These include:
a new minimum tax on wealthy individuals, called the ‘billionaire’s tax’ that would impose a 20% minimum tax on total income for taxpayers with wealth of greater than $100m.
The Budget assumes that changes to the GILTI regime set out in the Build Back Better Act will be enacted, giving an effective GILTI rate of 20% which is applied on jurisdiction by jurisdiction basis.
The Biden administration has released the Green Book with a package of tax proposals for its FY 2023 Budget. These include:
a new minimum tax on wealthy individuals, called the ‘billionaire’s tax’ that would impose a 20% minimum tax on total income for taxpayers with wealth of greater than $100m.
The Budget assumes that changes to the GILTI regime set out in the Build Back Better Act will be enacted, giving an effective GILTI rate of 20% which is applied on jurisdiction by jurisdiction basis.