Market leading insight for tax experts
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Most would probably agree that the current rate of tax on carried interest is too low. But whatever solution is adopted, a balance needs to be struck between complexity and ‘fairness’, writes Heather Self (Blick Rothenberg).
Martin Shah (Simmons & Simmons) reviews the proposed reserved investor fund regime, while Melville Rodrigues (Apex Group) says why it is needed.
Irfan Butt and Andrew Seidler (RSM) consider the implications for funds and real estate structures. 
Julia Lloyd and Susie Brain (Norton Rose Fulbright) provide an overview of the new regime and suggest practical steps that should be taken by taxpayers.

Allan Cinnamon (Cintax the Word Ltd) provides a quarterly update on tax treaty developments.

Anthony and Tracy Hancock v HMRC illustrates the limits of both the Ramsay doctrine and the purposive construction of legislation. Pete Miller (The Miller Partnership) takes a look at the case

Thomas Dalby (Gabelle) answers a query on a client that acquired, and now wishes to dispose of, a company with a UK-resident EBT holding a number of shares

Go directly to jail; do not pass ‘go’; do not collect £200. Is HMRC’s approach  getting out of hand, asks Peter Vaines, partner, Squire Patton Boggs

Finance Bill 2014 included proposed legislation for social investment tax relief, a relief available to investors in social enterprises from 6 April 2014. Tim Smith and Richard Wilson take a look.

Peter Stevens summarises the government’s proposals for charging tax on capital gains made by non-residents from disposals of UK residential property

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