Peter Maybrey and Peter Cussons, both PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP partners, take a look at the current status of discussions on the taxation of foreign profits of companies
Steve Edge of Slaughter and May assesses progress during Labour's tenure of office in the great tax reform project
Marcus Rea, Corporate Tax Director at Deloitte & Touche LLP, discusses the rise of AIM as an international market and highlights some of the issues faced in key emerging territories
Ken Almand, Senior Transfer Pricing Consultant, and Gary J Mills, Director of Transfer Pricing, Ernst and Young's Transfer Pricing Group, examine proposed changes to the UK transfer pricing environment
Jo Myers and Ken Almand, both Senior Consultants on Ernst &Young's International Tax Services team, review the proposals for restricting interest deductions in the Foreign Profits of Companies discussion document
Allan Cinnamon, International Tax Consultant, BDO Stoy Hayward, returns to his diary by considering inbound finance from the US
Mark Whitehouse, Tax Litigation, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP, looks at some significant ECJ decisions that have an impact on the UK's relations with non-EU Member States
Jo Myers and Ken Almand, both Senior Consultants on Ernst & Young's International Tax Services team, assess HMRC's proposed new approach to pre-filing agreements in potential thin capitalisation cases