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Martin Wilson, of The Capital Allowances Partnership Ltd (, reviews the PBR provisions for capital allowances

Graham Poulteney, of BDO Investment Management Limited, considers the Pre-Budget Report and its effect on pensions

Robin Williamson, of the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group of the CIOT, considers the PBR from the viewpoint of those on low incomes

James Bullock, of McGrigors LLP, considers the compliance and enforcement aspects of the PBR

Assets of overseas branches
Remittance basis

Chris Sanger, Head of Tax Policy at Ernst & Young, asks whether the Chancellor made good choices in his PBR

John Hawksworth, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, remarks that the Chancellor has raised taxes to protect priority spending areas but has made no further progress in closing the fiscal gap

Gary Hull, employment solutions director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, considers the employment tax aspects of the PBR and the implications for employers and their employees
