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Your guide to the key measures from the Budget, provided by Lexis®PSL Tax and Lexis®PSL Private Client.

In the wake of updated UK CGT rules for non-residents, Nick Farmer and Stephen Hemmings assess the tax treatment for non-residents disposing of residential property in eight different jurisdictions

Availability of business property relief

US investors, even those exempt from tax, will have specific structural preferences when investing in UK commercial real estate. Ben Eaton and Karen Turk examine the related tax issues and explain why an understanding of the UK tax regime is only part of the picture

Your guide to the key measures

Charles Goddard answers a query on the impact of the annual tax on enveloped dwellings on a property developer

James Bullock looks at the activist group's failed attempt to challenge HMRC

David Barton sets out the key issues for advisers to consider this month.

A claim for business property relief may be a once in a lifetime occasion, but vigilance is required to ensure that it is a happy one.

Views from tax professionals on missed opportunities in the Budget.

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