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Targeted anti-avoidance rules to apply from 21 December 2012

Card image Richard Carson, Henry Franklin, James Meakin, Graham Langley-Smith, Peter Jackson, Robert Young

The second in our series of sector focus reports. By Peter Jackson, Richard Cason, Robert Young and James Meakin (Taylor Wessing), with in-house views from Graham Langley-Smith (Wainbridge Ltd) and Henry Franklin (Tritax Group).

Tax body calls for fundamental review of how the UK should tax gains on immovable property owned by non-residents

Gordon Keenay gives a personal view on a judgment which goes to the roots of how SDLT operates and touches on the application of anti-avoidance provisions

New tax rules are intended to address concerns that the current tax regime acts as a barrier to launches of investment trusts. Ian Zeider reviews the detail.

There are better alternatives than a mansion tax for politicians to find revenues in the short to medium term, Alex Henderson writes.

Disclosure of tax avoidance schemes rules amended

Nicola Westbrooke and Punit Nathwani explain why it is now easier and cheaper for property investment groups to access tax exemptions

The government is consulting on a new annual charge on residential properties valued over £2m owned by certain ‘non-natural’ persons, and a proposed extension of capital gains tax to the disposal by non-resident, non-natural persons of residential property for more than £2m.

Six new HMRC taskforces – specialist teams that undertake ‘intensive bursts of activity’ in high risk trade sectors and locations – are expected to recover tax of more than £23m, the department announced.

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