HMRC has won a case involving a ‘complex and organised VAT fraud’ committed by film producer Richard Driscoll, who wrote and directed the first modern British film to be shot in 3D, Eldorado.
Heads of tax administrations from 45 economies came together in Moscow for the 8th meeting of the OECD Forum on Tax Administration on 16-17 May to discuss coordinated action on fraud, evasion and aggressive tax planning.
Andy Cole looks at how the authorities extended their monitoring of those who choose not to pay what they owe
James Bullock looks at the activist group's failed attempt to challenge HMRC
“HMRC stepped up its crackdown on tax evasion on Tuesday, publishing its second list of ‘deliberate tax defaulters’ on its website. The list includes 15 names owing more than £25,000 in tax, including two pub landlords and a kebab shop owner.
“More than 100 of Britain's richest people have been caught hiding billions of pounds in secretive offshore havens, sparking an unprecedented global tax evasion investigation.
Ashley Greenbank and Nigel Doran consider the lessons for the tax litigation process that can be learned from the decided cases.
Simon Airey examines how the various new disclosure facilities compare with the LDF.
‘The latest revelation about the UK tax authorities’ excruciating battle with Goldman Sachs shone more unfavourable light on HMRC’s conduct last week.
All British overseas territories with significant financial centres have now signed up to “greater levels of transparency” of accounts held in those jurisdictions, HM Treasury announced on 2 May.